걸프 지역의 음식문화와 신흥 식품시장 진출 방안 연구:
사우디아라비아와 아랍에미리트를 중심으로*
장 세 원**
Chang Se Won, 2016, A study on food culture of the Gulf region and advancement strategy of emerging food market: focused on Saudi Arabia and UAE, Arabic Language & Literature, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 151-167
As a cradle of civilization, Middle East has developed various food culture. Middle Eastern food culture can be divided into the following two main characteristics. First, the food culture of the Middle East shares homogeneity under the name of Islam even though it has regional differences according to the Gulf, the Fertile Crescent, North Africa. Second, as a geographical hub where meets diverse food culture of Asia, Europe, and Africa, it has developed various food recipes and became global food. Meanwhile, with emergence of halal industry at the global level, Korean food companies begin to show their interest in advance to the halal market and regulations of Islamic principles on food. In this respects, the article explores food culture of the Gulf in the first section, and possibilities of Korean food’s entrance in the gulf food market.
* Key Words: The Gulf Region, Arab and Islam Food Culture, Food Market, GCC / 걸프 지역, 아랍과 이슬람의 음식 문화, 식품 시장, 걸프협력기구
* 이 논문은 2012 년 정부 교육과학기술부 의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임 (NRF 2012S1A2A3049041)
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