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  • Chapter 9. 한식 밥류
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h2mark 저자 & 참고문헌

한식 밥류의 대량생산 표준레시피 개발

한국식품조리과학회지 제 24권 제 5호 (2008)

♣ 한식 밥류의 대량생산 표준레시피 개발 - 비빔밥, 콩나물밥, 볶음밥 -


경기대학교 외식조리학과, 1신흥대학 호텔외식경영과

Standardization of the Recipe for the Large-Scale Production of Korean Cooked Rice Varieties- Bibimbab, Bean Sprout Bab, and Fried Rice -

Kyung-Soo Han, Seung-Hui Pyo†, Eun-Jung Lee1 and Hyun-A Lee

Department of Foodservice & Culinary Management, Kyonggi University 1Department of Hotel & Restaurant Management, Shinheung College

♣ Abstract

The principal objective of this study was to develop a standardized recipe for the large-scale production of Bibimbab, bean sprout bab, and fried rice. The recipe was standardized as follows. We collected and recorded the quantities of ingredients and production procedures currently used by cooks in the contracted foodservice management company and in hotel-based Korean restaurants. According to the food preferences of Koreans, we selected 3 rices; Bibimbab, bean sprout bab, and fried rice. We then developed a revised recipe and evaluation form. Our sensory evaluation was conducted by 30 taste panels using a JAR(just- about-right) scale. We developed a standardized recipe for 3 rices. Yield, portion size, temperature, preparation time, equipment, cost, ingredients, weight of ingredients, method, and critical point were recorded in the developed recipe. We utilized the factor method and the percentage method for recipe adjustments, and we devised a direct measurement table for Bibimbab, bean sprout bab, and fried rice.

Key words: standardized recipe, large-scale production, Bibimbab, bean sprout bab, fried rice

♣ 참고문헌

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* 2007년 8월 9일 접수; 2008년 8월 7일 심사(수정); 2008년 8월 18일 채택

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