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  • 한식 영어사전

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  • 버섯전골(Mixed Mushroom Hot Pot)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A hot pot of mushrooms including shiitake, coral, and oyster mushrooms, sliced and laid together with seasoned meat and minari (Korean parsley).

  • 법주/경주법주(Rice Wine (Gyeongju Style))
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
First created by a Gyeongju family, this high quality rice wine is made from bath white and glutinous rice. The alcohol content is approximately 15%.

  • 보리밥(Barley Rice)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Rice cooked with barley.

  • 보리수단(Barley Balls in Omija Punch)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A drink made of honey water and omija (fruit of the Chinese magnolia vine) with cooked barley balls coated in starch.

  • 보리차(Barley Tea)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Roasted barley cooked in water. Served bath hot and cold, this is one of the most common beverages found in Korean homes and restaurants and is often served instead of water.

  • 보신탕(Dog Soup)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Dog meat slowly simmered then seasoned is a soybean paste (doenjang) soup with garlic, ginger, green onions, and red chili pepper powder. This soup is said to be an aphrodisiac.

  • 보쌈(Chinese Cabbage Wraps with Pork)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Park and kimchi wrapped in steamed cabbage leaves. Also called jeyuk-bossam or kimchi-bossam.

  • 보쌈김치(Wrapped Kimchi)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A kimchi made of quartered cabbages with kimchi seasonings spread between the layers of leaves and wrapped separately in a large cabbage leaf. The fist-sized bundles are put into jars and left to season together. When served, the individual bundles are put on dishes, unwrapped and eaten. This is a specialty of the Gaeseong region.

  • 복/복어(Puffer Fish (Swellfish / Globefish))
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A stew made of putter fish, dubu (soybean curd tofu), soybean sprouts, minari (Korean parsley) and other vegetables, and spiced with red chili pepper paste and red chili pepper powder.

  • 복매운탕/복어매운탕(Spicy Puffer Fish Stew)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
  • 복숭아(Peach)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
  • 복어회(Raw Puffer Fish)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Thin slices of raw putter fish prepared after removing the poisonous liver and roe. Raw putter fish is served with a dipping sauce of vinegared red chili pepper paste.

  • 복지리/복어지리(Puffer Fish Soup)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Soup of putter fish, white radish, Chinese cabbage, minari (Korean parsley), and other vegetables in a clear broth.

  • 복찜/복어찜(Braised Puffer Fish)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Putter fish braised in soy sauce, garnished, and salted with pickled shrimp sauce.

  • 볶음밥(Fried Rice)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Cooked rice pan-fried with chopped meat and vegetables.

  • 부각(Deep-fried Vegetables Coated with Starch)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Seaweed or vegetables coated with glutinous rice starch, dried, and deep-fried.

  • 부대찌개(G.1.Stew)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A spicy stew of wieners, luncheon meat, macaroni and vegetables. This dish originated from ingredients that could be scavenged from the U.S. military camps in Korea during the Korean War.

  • 부추(Chive)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
There are two kinds of chives: Korean and Chinese. Chinese chives are wider and mostly used in Chinese dishes. The chives used in Korea are flatter than Western chives and have a stronger flavor.

  • 부추김치(Chive Kimchi)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A kimchi made of chives mixed with fish sauce, red chili pepper powder, crushed garlic and some glutinous rice starch.

  • 부추전(Chive Pancake)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Pan-fried fiat cakes made of chives mixed in a flour batter, often with green chili peppers and shelled clams.

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