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h2mark 4. ABSTRACT


A study of Yaksunyori menu Develop a plan

Kang. Myung suk

Dept, of Foodservice Industry Management

Graduate School of Tourism

Kyunggi University

This study is attempted to develop a Yaksunyori menu for the purpose of preventing diseases that restrict senior citizens in terms of food selection, and maintaining and improving health directly or indirectly in an aging society. For these purposes, this study is an attempt: first,to elaborate a principal theory of Yaksunyori, looking only at literature from previous studies, in view of lack of literature on Yaksun; second, to look at the potential of Yaksun as a diet menu for the elderly through surveying dietary patterns of the elderly: third, to plan for the development of a Yaksun menu, a healthy diet for the elderly, by carrying out an empirical survey.

This study was carried out from March to October 2002, and participants were limbed to senior c化izens in Seoul. The contents of this study consisted of five chapters. As methodology, both literature and empirical studies were implemented. For the empirical study, a survey on dietary patterns of the elderly in Seoul and the acknowledgment of Yaksun was carried out, so that the data could be used for future reference in developing a Yaksun menu.

Yaksunyori means a heathy dish,in which food enables the curing of diseases and enhancement of health, as well as producing a taste. It is also called an oriental medicine dish. Empirical analysis is based on the survey questionnaire that was written by persons experienced in the development of the Hanbangyori menu in the Korean Food Cooking Specialists' Association, used for the elderly.

As for demographic aspects. female participants slightly exceeded male, and people aged between 50 and 55 were the majority. In most cases, they were married, and their educational level was above high school graduate. Their occupations were mainly professionals and civil service. These aspects -highly educated and professional- are connected with the location of the survey; although the survey was carried out in Seoul, it was. however, focused mainly on the elderly from in large-company silver towns or from senior universities.

The dietary patterns of the elderly were qu化e healthy, and mostly they had three meals a day. Of the three meals, dinner was most substantial; and they usually had Korean food without any restriction as to the type of dish. Intake of nutrients through meals was average, and satisfaction with the current diet showed as average too.

There was a difference of viewpoint on Yaksunyori dependent on gender,age and educational level: in terms of perception of Yaksunyori. men showed greater awareness of the subject than women, such as number of experiences in Yaksunyori, desire to purchase, and ability to use; in terms of age. the elderly between 50 and 55 showed high scores in the whole perspective of Yaksunyori; in terms of educational level and profession, the elderly with above high school education and professionals or other (real- estate-related profession) showed a high degree of awareness of Yaksunyori.

The elderly w化h good health showed high Yaksunyori perception on the whole, which was interpreted to the effect that they were interested in good health and thus showed a great concern for Yaksunyori. The elderly whose dietary pattern focused on Korean food showed greatest interest in the Yaksunyori menu,which would be more promising when the menu varied. Moreover, they showed the highest level of desire to buy and use. In analysis on the difference of medicinal materials according to gender, medicinal materials such as Hwanggi, Gugija, Chija, Gamcho, Buja. and Hasuo showed that there was a different perception between men and women: men had greater awareness of Hwanggi. Gugija. and Chija, but women of Gamcho,Buja,and Hasuo.

The elderly with bad health showed greater awareness of the subject, which may suggest that these people need a menu with the use of medicinal materials, rather than just Korean food. Through cross analysis of responses on Yaksunyori development, both men and women showed very positive responses on development of the Yaksun menu. The results suggest that use of Yaksunyori in normal Korean dietary life should be applied to everybody, regardless of gender. Thus, if a systematic development plan is initiated, regular, good-quality diet for the elderly will be assured. In light of the association of Yaksunyori w化h a healthy diet for the elderly,focusing on the results of empirical analysis and theoretical study dealt w化h in Chapter 2,suggestions on plans and directions for development of the Yaksun menu are as


First, development of the Yaksun menu is intended to supplement and maintain physical and mental functions of the elderly.

Second, development of the Yaksun menu is carried out through the use of medicinal materials,which can be obtained easily and inexpensively.

Third,development of the Yaksun menu is tied to cooking methods, which show concern for the deterioration of physical and mental functions of the elderly.

Fourth, development of the Yaksun menu is spread through with its popularization through various family menus.

This study was to establish theoretical ground by overcoming the deficiencies of previous studies,which lead to difficu化ies in theoretical examination,and, on this basis, empirical analysis was implemented in order to plan for the development of the Yaksun menu, incorporating a surveying of the elderly who are normally tolerant toward medicinal materials. Most elderly people showed positive responses on the potential and popularization of the Yaksun menu.

Notwithstanding the above, this study has a limitation in that only elderly people were included in the participants, and some existing Yaksun menus were not discussed. A future study should be directed to these points.

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