쌀, 보리 콩 등의 곡물을 씻어 솥에 안친 뒤 물을 부어 낟알이 풀어지지 않고 물기가 잦아들게 끓여 익힌 음식이다.
Bap refers to boiled grains, such as rice, barley, and beans. The grains are rinsed, placed in a heavy pot, covered with water, and cooked until the individual kernels absorb moisture without becoming too soft.
연잎에 찹쌀과 대추, 밤 등의 곡식을 넣고 싼 것을 찜통에서 쪄낸 음식이다. 예전에는 사찰에서 스님들이 먹던 음식이었으나 요즘엔 웰빙 음식으로 각광받고 있다.
Glutinous rice, dates, and chestnuts wrapped in a lotus leaf and steamed in a steamer. In the past, this dish was made and consumed by Buddhist monks, but it is now popular among health-conscious people.