쌀, 보리 콩 등의 곡물을 씻어 솥에 안친 뒤 물을 부어 낟알이 풀어지지 않고 물기가 잦아들게 끓여 익힌 음식이다.
Bap refers to boiled grains, such as rice, barley, and beans. The grains are rinsed, placed in a heavy pot, covered with water, and cooked until the individual kernels absorb moisture without becoming too soft.
불린 쌀로 밥을 짓다가 뜸 들일 때 굴을 넣어 지은 밥으로, 양념간장과 함께 비벼 먹는다. 굴이 많이 생산되는 겨울철 별미로 무기질과 비타민 A가 풍부하여 영양적으로 우수하다.
Short grain rice presoaked and cooked. Oysters are added after the heat is turned off, allowing them to cook with the rice in the residual heat. This dish is a winter delicacy, as oysters are in their prime in winter and rich in minerals and vitamin A.