쌀, 보리 콩 등의 곡물을 씻어 솥에 안친 뒤 물을 부어 낟알이 풀어지지 않고 물기가 잦아들게 끓여 익힌 음식이다.
Bap refers to boiled grains, such as rice, barley, and beans. The grains are rinsed, placed in a heavy pot, covered with water, and cooked until the individual kernels absorb moisture without becoming too soft.
쌈 채소에 우렁이를 넣어 만든 강된장과 밥을 올려 먹는 음식이다. 우렁이의 쫄깃쫄깃한 맛이 된장과 잘 어울린다.
This dish is made by wrapping cooked rice in leafy vegetables with gangdoenjang (seasoned soybean paste) made with freshwater snails. The chewy texture and flavor of freshwater snails go particularly well with doenjang (soybean paste).