쌀, 보리 콩 등의 곡물을 씻어 솥에 안친 뒤 물을 부어 낟알이 풀어지지 않고 물기가 잦아들게 끓여 익힌 음식이다.
Bap refers to boiled grains, such as rice, barley, and beans. The grains are rinsed, placed in a heavy pot, covered with water, and cooked until the individual kernels absorb moisture without becoming too soft.
제육볶음을 밥과 함께 쌈 채소에 싸 먹는 음식이다. 제육볶음은 돼지고기를 양파, 당근 등을 넣고 매콤하게 볶아낸 음식으로 밥반찬으로 좋다.
This food is prepared by wrapping jeyukbokkeum and cooked rice in leafy vegetables. Jeyubokkeum is a spicy dish made with sliced pork stir-fried with onion and carrot. It is popular both as a side dish and as a main dish.