쌀, 보리 콩 등의 곡물을 씻어 솥에 안친 뒤 물을 부어 낟알이 풀어지지 않고 물기가 잦아들게 끓여 익힌 음식이다.
Bap refers to boiled grains, such as rice, barley, and beans. The grains are rinsed, placed in a heavy pot, covered with water, and cooked until the individual kernels absorb moisture without becoming too soft.
고슬하게 지은 밥 위에 데친 나물을 잘게 썰어서 국간장, 깨소금, 참기름으로 무치고, 육회를 가운데 올려 엿고추장에 비벼 먹는다. 원래는 바지락살을 넣고 끓인 보탕국을 내지만, 선지국과 함께 내기도 한다.
Fluffy white rice topped with beef tartare and surrounded with vegetables that have been chopped and seasoned with soy sauce, sesame seeds, and sesame oil. Mixed with gochujang (red chili paste) at the table, this dish was originally served with a clam soup, but now the soup is often replaced with seonjiguk (a soup with coagulated pig's blood).