밥을 지을 때보다 물을 5배 가량 더 많이 붓고 무르게 끓여낸 주식으로, 병후 회복식이나 전식으로 즐겨 먹는다.
Juk (rice porridge) is cooked with five times more water compared to bap. It serves as a main dish as well as an appetizer. Juk is also popular as a meal for people recovering from illness.
냄비에 참기름을 두르고 불린 쌀을 넣어 달달 볶다가 육수를 넣고, 마지막에 게살을 넣어 한소끔 끓인다. 부드러운 맛이 일품이고, 아이들 성장에도 좋다.
This crab meat porridge is made by pan-frying presoaked short grain rice in a pot greased with sesame oil and then boiling in broth. The crab meat is added at the end. It is both delicious and nutritious.
鍋にごま油をひき、水につけた米を入れて炒る。そこに出し汁を加え、最後にカニ肉入れて一煮立ちさせる。やさしい味が絶妙で、成長期の子どもにもおすすめ 。