밥을 지을 때보다 물을 5배 가량 더 많이 붓고 무르게 끓여낸 주식으로, 병후 회복식이나 전식으로 즐겨 먹는다.
Juk (rice porridge) is cooked with five times more water compared to bap. It serves as a main dish as well as an appetizer. Juk is also popular as a meal for people recovering from illness.
푹 삶은 민물고기를 채에 거른 뒤 고춧가루와 고추장으로 간하고 불린 쌀을 넣어 끓이다가 국수나 수제비를 함께 넣어 끓여 먹는다. 비린내를 잡기위해 쑥갓이나 깻잎, 미나리 등 향이 강한 채소를 넣는다.
Boiled and seived freshwater fish seasoned with red chili powder and gochujang (red chili paste) and boiled with presoaked short grain rice in water. While the soup is boiling, noodles or pieces of hand-torn flour dough are added. The soup is topped with chopped, strong-scented vegetables in order to remove the fishy smell.