밥을 지을 때보다 물을 5배 가량 더 많이 붓고 무르게 끓여낸 주식으로, 병후 회복식이나 전식으로 즐겨 먹는다.
Juk (rice porridge) is cooked with five times more water compared to bap. It serves as a main dish as well as an appetizer. Juk is also popular as a meal for people recovering from illness.
잘게 썬 전복과 불린 멥쌀을 참기름으로 볶다가 물을 부어 끓인 보양죽이다. 전복의 쫄깃한 식감과 구수한 맛이 뛰어나며 궁중에서 즐겨 먹던 음식이다.
A nourishing porridge made with rice soaked in water and minced abalone sautéed in sesame oil and simmered until thick. Well-loved for the chewy texture of the abalone and the subtle flavor that envelopes the palate. It used to be a popular royal court dish.
鮑魚粥是放入切成斜片的鮑魚和大 米後用麻油拌炒, 再加水煮出的養生飲食。