밥을 지을 때보다 물을 5배 가량 더 많이 붓고 무르게 끓여낸 주식으로, 병후 회복식이나 전식으로 즐겨 먹는다.
Juk (rice porridge) is cooked with five times more water compared to bap. It serves as a main dish as well as an appetizer. Juk is also popular as a meal for people recovering from illness.
동짓날에 팥죽을 쑤어 대문에 뿌리면 악귀를 물리친다는 속설이 있다. 붉은팥을 삶아 거른 팥물에 쌀을 넣고 쑨 죽으로 새알심은 나이 수대로 넣는다. 소금이나 설탕으로 간한다.
Some traditional Korean beliefs say that patjuk (red bean porridge) thrown on the gate of one's home on the winter solstice drives out evil spirits. It is a rice porridge made with boiled red beans and rice. Rice is simmered in the liquid strained from the boiled red beans, and small glutinous rice balls are sometimes added. The porridge is seasoned with salt and/or sugar at the table.
煮好紅豆後用篩子篩過後,放入大米、年糕球煮出的粥。 據傳如果在冬至那天將紅豆粥灑在大門或醬缸上就能驅鬼辟邪。