밥을 지을 때보다 물을 5배 가량 더 많이 붓고 무르게 끓여낸 주식으로, 병후 회복식이나 전식으로 즐겨 먹는다.
Juk (rice porridge) is cooked with five times more water compared to bap. It serves as a main dish as well as an appetizer. Juk is also popular as a meal for people recovering from illness.
검은깨와 쌀을 곱게 갈아 끓인 죽으로 쌉쌀하면서도 고소한 풍미가 있다. 소화가 잘되고 간장과 신장을 보호해 병후 회복식으로 좋다.
Porridge made from finely ground black sesame and rice, resulting in a bittersweet, nutty flavor. Black sesame contains a high concentration of digestive enzymes, which help maintain liver and kidney health, making it ideal for people recovering from illness.
將黑芝麻和大米搗碎後煮成的粥, 芝麻香酥味道絕佳。