밀가루나 메밀가루 등을 반죽해 썰어 삶아 국물에 말거나 양념장에 비벼 먹는 음식이다.
Myeon (noodles) refers to dishes made with wheat or buckwheat noodles, either mixed with sauce or boiled in broth.
냉면을 삶아 찬물에 헹궈 물기를 뺀 다음 양념한 코다리를 올리고, 양념장에 비벼먹는 음식이다.
Cold noodles boiled, rinsed in cold water, and drained. Topped with seasoned and shredded half-dried pollack, this cold noodle dish is mixed with a spicy sauce at the table.