밀가루나 메밀가루 등을 반죽해 썰어 삶아 국물에 말거나 양념장에 비벼 먹는 음식이다.
Myeon (noodles) refers to dishes made with wheat or buckwheat noodles, either mixed with sauce or boiled in broth.
가늘게 찢어 물에 담갔다가 물기를 꼭 짜낸 후 달걀을 입혀 튀긴 황태를 감자와 밀가루로 반죽해 조개 국물에 넣고 끓인 칼국수 위에 얹어 먹는다.
This dish consists of knife-cut noodles boiled with potatoes in a clam stock and topped with dried pollack. The dried pollack is shredded into pieces, soaked in water, and then squeezed to remove excess moisture, before being battered in beaten eggs and fried.