고기, 생선, 채소 따위에 물을 많이 붓고 간을 맞추어 끓인 음식으로 국물과 건더기를 함께 먹는다.
Guk refers to Korean soups, is made by boiling a wide variety of ingredients, including meat, fish, vegetables, and other ingredients, in a large amount of water and adding seasoning. The solid ingredients are eaten together with the soup’s broth.
소고기나 홍합, 멸치 국물에 미역을 넣고 끓인 맑은 국이다. 미역은 요오드와 칼슘이 풍부해 산모들에게 좋은 식품이며 생일날에는 꼭 미역국을 끓여 먹는다.
Miyeok (brown seaweed) simmered in clear beef, mussel, or anchovy broth. Miyeok is rich in iodine and calcium and is known to be particularly beneficial for postpartum mothers, which is one reason Koreans eat Miyeokguk on birthdays as well as for other meals.
海帶湯是在牛肉高湯或貽貝高湯、鳀魚高湯裡放入海帶後熬煮的清湯。 尤其被視為是有益於産婦健康的飲食,而且在韓國有在生日早上吃海帶湯的風俗。