고기, 생선, 채소 따위에 물을 많이 붓고 간을 맞추어 끓인 음식으로 국물과 건더기를 함께 먹는다.
Guk refers to Korean soups, is made by boiling a wide variety of ingredients, including meat, fish, vegetables, and other ingredients, in a large amount of water and adding seasoning. The solid ingredients are eaten together with the soup’s broth.
육개장은 소 양지머리와 버섯, 무, 토란대, 대파, 고사리 같은 채소를 넣고 고춧가루로 매콤하게 양념해서 끓인 음식이다. 버섯육개장은 여기에 느타리, 표고, 팽이 등의 버섯을 넉넉히 넣어 끓이는 것이다.
Yukgaejang is a spicy beef soup boiled with mushroom, radish, taro shoot, green onion, and bracken and seasoned with spicy red chili powder. The mushroom version of this dish features various types of mushrooms, including shiitake, oyster, and enokitake.