고기, 생선, 채소 따위에 물을 많이 붓고 간을 맞추어 끓인 음식으로 국물과 건더기를 함께 먹는다.
Guk refers to Korean soups, is made by boiling a wide variety of ingredients, including meat, fish, vegetables, and other ingredients, in a large amount of water and adding seasoning. The solid ingredients are eaten together with the soup’s broth.
잘게 뜯은 북어를 참기름에 볶은 뒤물을 붓고 맑게 끓인 국으로 계란을 풀어 넣기도 한다. 알코올 해독을 돕기 때문에 해장국으로 즐겨 먹는다.
A clear fish soup made with dried pollack. The dried flesh is shredded and sautéed in sesame oil before water is added. A beaten egg is sometimes dropped into the boiling soup. It is reputed to be one of the best hangover remedies, as it helps remove alcohol from the body.
乾明太魚湯是用麻油炒乾明太魚後放入 水煮出的清湯。 爽口美味,適合當醒酒湯。