고기, 생선, 채소 따위에 물을 많이 붓고 간을 맞추어 끓인 음식으로 국물과 건더기를 함께 먹는다.
Guk refers to Korean soups, is made by boiling a wide variety of ingredients, including meat, fish, vegetables, and other ingredients, in a large amount of water and adding seasoning. The solid ingredients are eaten together with the soup’s broth.
씻은 콩나물에 소금을 넣고 찬물을 부어 맑게 끓인 국으로 감기와 숙취 해소에 효과가 있다. 고춧가루를 넣으면 얼큰한 맛을 내며, 콩나물이 익기 전 뚜껑을 열면 비린내가 난다.
This clear soup is made with bean sprouts boiled in water. Seasoned only with salt, Kongnamulguk (bean sprout soup) is known to be effective for easing a cold or a hangover. Add red chili powder if you prefer a spicy soup. Warning: To avoid a fishy smell, do not lift the lid of the pot until the bean sprouts are completely cooked.
洗ったもやしに塩を入れて水を注 ぎ、煮込んだスープ。風邪や二日酔いの解消に効果がある。粉唐辛子を入れると辛いスープになり、豆もやしに火が通る前に蓋を開けると臭みが残る。
豆芽湯是在豆芽裡加入食鹽倒水煮出的清湯。 放入辣椒粉,就可做成辣爽的豆芽湯。