고기, 생선, 채소 따위에 물을 많이 붓고 간을 맞추어 끓인 음식으로 국물과 건더기를 함께 먹는다.
Guk refers to Korean soups, is made by boiling a wide variety of ingredients, including meat, fish, vegetables, and other ingredients, in a large amount of water and adding seasoning. The solid ingredients are eaten together with the soup’s broth.
명태의 내장을 꺼내 염분을 제거한 뒤 추운 고산 지대에서 서너 달 이상 말려 낸 황태를 잘게 찢어 육수에 조개, 버섯, 콩나물, 두부, 무 등을 넣고 끓인 해장국이다.
The pollack used in this dish has had its innards and salt removed and been dried for three to four months through the winter in a cold alpine region. To prepare, tear the dried pollack into pieces and boil with clams, mushroom, bean sprouts, bean curd, and radish in broth.