육류, 해물, 채소 등에 양념하여 약간의 물과 함께 오래 끓이거나 수증기로 쪄서 만든 음식이다.
Jjim dishes are made by slowly braising or steaming seasoned meat, seafood, or vegetables in a sauce.
더덕은 산과 들에 자생하며 어린잎은 나물과 쌈으로 먹고, 뿌리는 식용과 약용으로 쓰인다. 잘 익은 더덕을 적당한 크기로 잘라 삶은 돼지고기와 함께 쌈을 싸서 먹는다.
Known as deodeok in Korean, wild bellflower roots grow on mountains and in fields throughout the country. The young leaves are used as wraps, while the roots are used in herbal medicines as well as food. For this particular dish, well-ripened deodeok is cut into bite-sized pieces and wrapped in leaves with boiled pork.
沙参生长于山野,嫩叶可作素菜 和包饭菜,根部可作食用或药用。将熟透的沙 参切成适当的大小,和水煮的猪肉一起用菜 包着吃。